Working with beneficial bacteria
To survive stressful environment conditions such as low pH, high temperature or limited nutrient availability, probiotics produce a resistant coating to the animals. They remain in this metabolically dormant state until the environment is conducive for growth. Organic animal feed Probiotics can survive the extreme conditions including high temperatures of the pelleting process of animal feed and the acidic conditions of the upper digestive tract of the animal. Probiotics germinate in the digestive tract where they attach to the gut wall and multiply
Organic Animal Feed
Organic agricultural practice respects the balance of a healthy ecosystem, working against nature has its takeaways.
Organic Animal Feed reduces health risks by preventing chemicals from being released into the air, earth and water, resulting in healthier animal growth and higher production rate.
Natural Disease Resistance
A disease resistant poultry reduces the risk of serious economic losses. Most farms are found to be using organic feed, but does it equates to building a more resistant poultry?
Agilix Animal Probiotics builds a healthy micro-organisms within the animal’s intestinal microbial balance. This will increase animal’s appetite and resulting in a higher level of nutrients absorbed, thus higher production rate and more resistant to diseases.
Use of Probiotics
A healthy animal is better able to resist disease and reproduce at a faster rate naturally. Agilix Organic Animal feed Probiotics helps poultry build resistance against diseases from occurring, with the probiotics intake.
This is achieved through the appropriate mix of feed with organic probiotics. We place high welfare standards for each animal to grow healthily, reaching high standard for human consumption.
Improvement in Poultry Health
A healthy, non-stressed poultry can contribute greatly to your income generation. Micro organisms used for obtaining the probiotic preparations for animals are micro-organisms of the species Bacillus, Enterococcus, Lactobacillus and Saccharomyces. These micro organisms create a natural barrier against harmful bacteria which affects health and production of animals, and thus enhances immunity.
Healthy Pigs
Suitable for saline, brackish or fresh water
Fat and Healthy Chickens
All our products are fully tested and certified by Singapore government authorities, as one of the world’s stringent food and environmental safety tests for 100% safety.